The topic for this week asks the question; how do I find peace in my life? As I thought about this I began to ask myself; why don’t I have peace in my life in the first place? Why do I need to seek peace? I think that for the most part I get caught up in my own life, my own agenda, my own way, and forget to seek, or listen to the Lord.
Often, I have discovered that when I seek the Lord’s will and direction in my life, and spend time in prayer in that matter, He is faithful to give me that direction and his will. When I then know what it is I should be doing and choose another path I lose the peace that comes from being in the Lord’s will.
I’m not sure if what I am doing is placing the Lord in a superannuated position, acting as if He doesn’t know what’s best for me, or not, but it would seem that way. Only when I begin to follow the leading, and continue to seek Him and pray, do I then begin to experience that peace again.
It’s a thin line I walk many times. My humanness and sinful nature constantly battle for my will. It’s who we are as humans. We have to choose to find that peace, even when the easiest path serves our nature and is more appealing.
I struggle, I fail, I get back up again, I grow.